Messengers of hope...

Missionaries in Ecuador with International Teams and Youth World since 2002, parents of four children, and then some more children, directors of Casa Gabriel and now Casa Adalia, teacher and friend, but most importantly, redeemed by Jesus Christ and living out the ministry of reconciliation as messengers of hope. This is the story that God is writing through us.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Water into sweet wine. Miraculous, powerful, intimate grace.

Dear friends and partners in ministry,
In the midst of the urgency of ministry and living life in Ecuador, we can feel disconnected and sometimes give little consideration to the headlines in the U.S.  Each time we send an update, we pray you would sense a connection to us and to what God is doing in Ecuador.  But, that feels pretty one-sided. 
This week’s tragedy at the Boston Marathon was a stark reminder of how we long to stay connected, not just with what is happening in our nation, but more important, with what is happening in the lives of people who are important to us.  You are important to us!  We care deeply about the joys and challenges in your life and grieve at the distance between us.  For now this distance will continue…so we focus on being grateful, grateful to be joined together in doing God’s work and grateful that distance on this side of heaven is temporal. 
Praying with you for those affected in Boston, and thanking God for you!
Phil and Debbie
Below is our latest praise and prayer update.  Thank you for your prayers!
A Mother’s Reflection April 2013 -- Water Turned into Wine
Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim.  Then He told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”  They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine... the first of the signs through which Jesus revealed his glory.  And his disciples believed in Him.  John 2:7-11

Jesus continues to reveal His glory through the miracle of transformation. Tasteless water becomes priceless wine!  Astonishing, glorious change!  A revelation of God’s powerful and intimate love. 

Juan Miguel is in his final year of high school and is completing an internship at Casa Gabriel as the interim house leader.  We met Juan Miguel on his 16th birthday.  He had chosen to leave the streets and was living in a tiny room working to pay for food and personal expen­­­ses by cleaning out dog cages for a veterinarian.  He told Phil, “I want more for my life, but I can’t do it on my own.” 

Juan Miguel gives a "thumbs up" after a successful return from his Mindo canopy experience -- see photo journal.
Initially quiet and serious, he became obnoxiously silly, a big boy with a little boy’s heart craving love and affection.  Jesus says, “Fill the empty spaces and replace the painful places in your heart with Me.”   Juan Miguel began to believe that the Almighty God truly loves him and had created him for a life of purpose and eternal destiny.  Healing hope began to replace pain and feelings of worthlessness.  Water turned into priceless wine.  His heart began to beat with a desire to express life and beauty and the depths of God’s love through a passion for music.  Today he is a gifted song writer and musician and worship leader in his church. 

Jesus told the servants to fill six jars with water, not a simple task.  Each jar held 20-30 gallons of water!  I wonder if in their hearts they questioned or doubted or even complained.  But they obeyed.  They filled the jars, not half-heartedly, but completely to the top.  And then they performed a risky act of obedience. They took some of the water out of the jar to give to the master of the banquet. 

There are times we are discouraged.  Some days the task of filling jars is exhausting.  We are tempted to doubt or question or complain.  God, I am so weary, are you sure about this?  That jar has such big cracks all the water just keeps leaking out.  But God in His grace gives us faith to obey.  Because the truth is, transformation is His work.  He not only changes the water to sweet wine, He heals the vessel that holds it.  And thankfully, He heals my cracks as well!

Juan Miguel prays with the Casa G boys for Johanna on one of her last Tuesday nights at our house before returning to Norway.
On March 27th, we celebrated Juan Miguel’s 21st birthday with breakfast and a special gift with our CFC team.  The following Tuesday we celebrated with cake and prayers and the Casa G boys in our home.  Juan Miguel told us, “I am so thankful for the past five years at Casa Gabriel and for the years of birthday prayers of blessing.  But I have been thinking a lot about this year’s birthday.  It may be the last birthday I will celebrate with my CG family.  For 5 years I have received on my birthday.  This year, instead of you praying for me, I have decided I would like to pray for each of you.”  He placed his hand on each person and prayed sweet prayers of blessing. When he placed his hand on my shoulder and prayed, I tasted the goodness of God’s glorious transformation.

From street kid to child of the King.  Water into sweet wine.  Miraculous, powerful, intimate Grace.  God’s revelation of glory!

Praise and prayer updates:
Casa Gabriel
1.      We are thankful for the initial response to helping with the much needed renovation project.  Please pray for full funding.
2.      Thank you to Christian Fellowship of Columbia for a great week of joint ministry!
3.      Praise God!  Juan Miguel was granted a visa to go to the U.S.  His purpose is twofold.  He has written a song to sing at our daughter Danelle and Nate Prevette’s wedding on May 25th.  He also plans to visit a music school in Minnesota. 
4.      Please pray for Eric and Carla Ackerman and children.  They are taking a seven month furlough at the end of the school year.  We are so grateful for the past four years of building God’s kingdom together.
5.      Continued thanks to Education Equals Hope for helping make it possible for the boys at Casa G to complete their education training!
Casa Adalia
As I write this, my heart is heavy.  An 18 year old girl and her two year old daughter we had been ministering to went to the coast for a visit and didn’t return.  It appears she may have been manipulated into staying and is possibly at risk. Please pray with us!  If you are not receiving the monthly updates and would like them, please let us know.
Thanking you for joining us in prayer!
For His glory in Ecuador,
Debbie for all at Casa G

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