Messengers of hope...

Missionaries in Ecuador with International Teams and Youth World since 2002, parents of four children, and then some more children, directors of Casa Gabriel and now Casa Adalia, teacher and friend, but most importantly, redeemed by Jesus Christ and living out the ministry of reconciliation as messengers of hope. This is the story that God is writing through us.

Friday, April 5, 2013

PERSEVERANCE! Day Five Photo Journal "CFC and Casa G Outreach"

 Day Five (March 27th) was Juan Miguel's 21st birthday.  He and his friend Carlos joined us for breakfast celebration and then for part of the morning work before studies.  All of the boys were attending classes until Thursday and Friday.    
 That meant eleven of us squeezed into our car...
A spectacular view revealed itself out the kitchen after Phil put in new windows. 
From outside, it looked like a new house!
 The guys created a retaining wall to provide a proper runoff for the rain away from the house.
 Nathan and Alejandro's little sister Alison, took a break to play jump rope with Corrina's help.
Chris, our construction boss, persevered without wavering or complaint even though he didn't have all the tools he normally uses.
We painted the kitchen and living room a sunny creamy yellow.  The bare cement walls soaked up a lot of paint.  Phil and I drove to a hardware store to buy two more gallons of paint and also try to find a longer drill bit for attaching the roof...and well, spend a few moments together just the two of us.  :)  
 Nathan and Alison mixed cement in the waning afternoon light.
 We paused to view the beautiful sunset.
We still weren't finished when darkness fell, but the team never wavered in their desire to finish even though they were hungry and tired.
The full moon gave us a bit more light as we worked hard to finish up.
 The completed roof was gorgeous, if you can call a roof that!
Just as we were ready to leave, Alejandro's mom arrived home after a twelve hour work day.  
Feeling shy and overwhelmed, it was difficult for her to fully express her thanks. 
We kind of felt like the Extreme Home Improvement Team -- "MOVE THAT BUS!"
We ended with a group picture and celebration hug!
Back at the Douce house we ate Ecuadorian style -- a late dinner and Fanesca, a special meal eaten only during Holy Week, the week before Easter, a gift from Carlos's mother who had spent the afternoon preparing it for us.  We also ate a somewhat sad pot roast because I hadn't been home to oversee it cooking.  Again, no one complained.  Each person reflected on the day by giving a low and a high.  Everyone was positive and full of gratefulness.  Through endurance we had been made stronger and given a hope that would not disappoint. 

…And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us. All of this happens because God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with his love. Romans 5:4,5 CEV


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