Messengers of hope...

Missionaries in Ecuador with International Teams and Youth World since 2002, parents of four children, and then some more children, directors of Casa Gabriel and now Casa Adalia, teacher and friend, but most importantly, redeemed by Jesus Christ and living out the ministry of reconciliation as messengers of hope. This is the story that God is writing through us.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Mother's Reflection-December 2012

                                        Above - Christmas morning with Casa Gabriel
For many of the youth we minister to, Christmas is a sad day for a variety of reasons. They are joined by countless others who will not experience the joy of celebrating with loved ones Christmas morning.
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 Faith fills us with reason to celebrate even as tears are shed, reason not dependent on life’s circumstances. Your friendship and support are beautiful and tangible reminders of God’s unfailing love and faithfulness on which our hope rests. We rejoice knowing that we are building God’s Kingdom together with you. May you be refreshed by the expectation of Jesus this Christmas season. 
The Word became human and made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. John 1:14 (NLT)
Casa G – One Story of Transformation
Jackson is pictured far right during our recent
Casa G Christmas celebration.
Jackson is the oldest of seven children. When he was approximately ten years old his father was incarcerated for life. His mother and siblings shared a tiny slatted house without running water or electricity outside a small city. While his mom was working in the city, Jackson took care of his siblings. 

By the time he was a teenager, Jackson dropped out of school and began to disappear for several days at a time. His mother heard about Casa Gabriel and asked if we would take him. We looked for ways to support his mom to try to keep Jackson at home. Casa G helped his mother start a micro-business which she could do from her house, but the income wasn’t sufficient. She placed Jackson in a technical residential school for at-risk boys in Quito, and we agreed to take Jackson on the weekends.

At first Jackson was incredibly shy and awkward. While the rest of the Casa G boys laughed and talked together, he stood in the corner and refused to give eye contact. When he spoke, you could hardly hear him. Slowly, after several months, he conversed when others initiated.
One day when Jackson should have been at school Phil found him sitting very dejected on the curb outside of Casa G. He told Phil that he didn’t want to go to the school anymore; he wanted to live at Casa G full-time and attend a “regular”school. Phil talked first with his mother and then met with the director of the school who recommended that Jackson join the Casa G training ministry. Jackson was soon invited to join Casa G full-time.
Today Jackson is president of his class. He is a talented artist, a dedicated student, and is on the select soccer team from his school. He has a great sense of humor. During lunch on Sundays, he shares without hesitation what he learned from the message. After visiting his mother this summer, she expressed deep gratefulness, “My son is changed!” We, who are privileged to know Jackson, have seen God’s glory expressed through the quiet transformation of a young man once lost and now found.
Casa Adalia--One Story of Impact
Left - Decorating Christmas cookies with the girls.
Almost every week the girls ask us to sing with them the song, “La Niña de Tus Ojos.” Last Friday, Kristin, one of our team members asked if I and any girls who wanted to would stand up front and lead the group. Six girls wrapped their arms around me and the others, swaying as they sang in sweet unison, (translated to English) “You saw me when no one else saw me. You loved me when no one else loved me. You gave me a name. Because of Your love, I am your girl, the apple of Your eye. I love You more than my life.” With tear-filled eyes, a girl recently rescued from the sex trade started to sing the words the second time through, “Because of Your love, I am Your girl.” Jesus has made his home among this precious group of young girls.
The Word became human and made His home among us. He remains among us today, residing in every person who accepts His extravagant love. Because of this marvelous love, we celebrate!
Rejoicing with you,
Debbie for all
Casa Gabriel and Casa Adalia are part of International Teams, a global organization committed to helping the oppressed and seeing lives and communities transformed by the power of God. 

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