Messengers of hope...

Missionaries in Ecuador with International Teams and Youth World since 2002, parents of four children, and then some more children, directors of Casa Gabriel and now Casa Adalia, teacher and friend, but most importantly, redeemed by Jesus Christ and living out the ministry of reconciliation as messengers of hope. This is the story that God is writing through us.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Miracle of Transformation!!

Dear friends and partners in ministry,

Thanks always for taking the time to read these updates and pray for us!

Jesus was matter-of-fact: “Embrace this God-life. Really embrace it, and nothing will be too much for you…pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you’ll get God’s everything.” Mark 11:21-22 (MSG)
Yes, that is what we want, God’s everything, not what we think should be our everything, but what is HIS everything – joy and hope and freedom, life resurrected from the ashes of disappointment, laughter after the rain.  Yes, this is the life we have been given through Christ Jesus!

Below is our latest praise and prayer update.  Please let us know how we might pray for you!
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

A Mother’s Reflection – March 2013

Transformation from young boys to manhood.  Three steps forward, two steps back.  Leaps and baby steps – God keeps moving each of us forward as we surrender to His supernatural work.  Miguel started training at Casa Gabriel in the summer of 2008.  He was 16 years old, full of energy, and had a huge smile.  However, his short attention span and constant moodiness initially made life difficult for him… and for the rest of us! 
Miguel was overwhelmingly enthusiastic, especially in his desire to learn English.  He would ask us over and over again how to say numerous Spanish phrases or words in English.  When he was happy, he was HAPPY, and when he wasn’t, well, everyone knew it.   

Soon after we met Miguel, he joined us on a ministry outreach to a drug rehabilitation center.  He couldn’t sit still or be quiet.   He kept waving his hand, “I have something to say!”  Each time Phil called on him, everyone was astounded at the truth that poured out of a boy who was a baby Christian and former street kid.  That day Miguel led one of the men at the rehab center to pray to receive Jesus. 

Like most of these boys who were former street kids, Miguel struggled from the harmful impact of years of pain and shame.  But as he experienced God’s love and forgiveness, he began to change…incredibly!  We were amazed as we watched the healing transformation in this young man, from angry street kid to a positive, influential leader.
Casa Gabriel’s academic coordinator recently wrote these words about him, “I was really concerned for Miguel when I first met him.  A psychologist told us that his problems with memory were due to past drug use, dyslexia and more.  However, Miguel began to surprise me every day. With perseverance and practice he became better and better in every subject.  Miguel has been working hard. He overcomes his problems every day.  He isn’t living at Casa G now, but he needs our help in order to finish school. He deserves this.”

So where is Miguel today?  At 21 years of age, Miguel has decided to live independently.  He is working hard in school and to pay for living expenses.  He has an open invitation to join us for dinner at our house on Tuesdays or hang out with the Casa G family on Sundays.  He also comes to Casa G twice each week for tutoring support.  When he comes I am reminded of how much I miss his huge smile and enthusiasm.  “I need this,” he recently said about his time with us.  I agree with Miguel.  Transformation does not happen in a vacuum.  Purpose is not found by “doing life” alone.  God created us for relationship with Him and with one another.

Praise and Prayer Updates:
Casa Gabriel

1.     Thank you for your prayers for Juan Miguel.  His recent surgery to remove a large renal stone was successful.  Praise God for His provision through Dr. Bob Brunsvold and his team from Concordia University which helped to pay for the surgery.  Please continue to pray for other medical issues needing further intervention.  Continue to pray for direction for his next steps after high school.

2.    Thank you for your prayers for the Casa G mission outreach to Chuwitayo!  One of the village men, Tukup Luis Naweeh Kuashi, stood "on the outside" and listened to our messages of the Gospel of hope and salvation over the past three years.  He accepted Jesus as His Lord and Savior six months ago. He and a group of thirty from the village now gather twice a week to study God's word and pray.   Please pray for Tukup!

3.     Please pray for the Christian Fellowship of Columbia, MO group of six who are coming to minister alongside the Casa G boys March 23rd-30th to poor communities of Quito.  We are excited to see what God is going to do!

4.     Please pray for God to provide finances for a much needed remodeling project of the Casa G house.  Look for more information to come!
Casa Adalia

1.     Our team continues to see God move in the hearts of the girls we minister to at the safe house.  For girls who have completed the six month program and live independently in Quito and surrounding areas, our team provides home visits and an opportunity to participate in the jewelry and friendship evangelism workshops facilitated by Desi and Miguel Zova.  

2.     Please pray for a young girl named “Mela” who renewed her faith in Jesus while she was in the safe house.  She was placed back home in January.  She has run away from home and is in danger of being trafficked again.  We praise God that Kristin (one of the Casa Adalia team members) and her husband Manuel were able to visit and and pray with the girl’s parents last Monday. 

3.     Please pray for another young girl named “Ana” and her two year old daughter who are moving from a coastal city to Quito due the risk of being trafficked again.  The Casa Adalia team and the safe house where we volunteer will be working together to provide support services for the girl and her daughter. 

4.     Please pray for what feels like a very lengthy process in obtaining our legal papers to open the home for underage girls rescued from the sex trade.  Our legal representative says we are nearly ready to submit our document for approval.  But she also told me today that the government will take up to three months to let us know if we are approved.   May we continue to press on in faith trusting God to lead and provide. 
Maybe you have someone in your life who seems too hard or too “damaged” to experience a life of freedom and joy.  Maybe you feel helpless and discouraged.  We certainly have experienced this feeling many times.  But the truth is -- no one is unreachable for God.­­­­­­­­­­  May Miguel’s story of God’s miraculous redemption encourage you to keep believing that Our God, the same One who resurrected His Son Jesus from the tomb, He  is mighty and able! 

We are so thankful we can believe God together and for one another.  His Word is true.  “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory!”

For His fame in Ecuador,
Debbie for all

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