Messengers of hope...

Missionaries in Ecuador with International Teams and Youth World since 2002, parents of four children, and then some more children, directors of Casa Gabriel and now Casa Adalia, teacher and friend, but most importantly, redeemed by Jesus Christ and living out the ministry of reconciliation as messengers of hope. This is the story that God is writing through us.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Mr. President, I have something to give you..."

Marco spent two years in leadership training at Casa Gabriel.  This 22 year old former street kid and social outcast was invited to speak to the president of Ecuador about the drug problem on the streets.   He boldly stated, “Mr. President, I have something to give you and His name is Jesus.” 

Marco’s healing from past abuse and abandonment has been difficult.  But in the midst of his journey, he persists in reaching out to street kids and sharing the good news of Jesus.   He says to those he meets, “I have a Gift that I want to give you.  Would you like to know about this Gift that I have?”  

What holds me back from sharing the Gospel?  Am I afraid of rejection, of looking foolish, of not saying it right, of poor timing?  Today I attended the chapel at Alliance Academy International.  Special speaker Mark Jobe challenged the students to live life for Him with boldness.  He said, "Fear God, not man." Tears filled my eyes at the response of students accepting his challenge to step out in faith.   I wanted to respond as well.  I wanted to run to the front and say to the One who is my hope, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!" 

Middle School hallway at Alliance Academy International
I have the incredible joy of knowing Jesus!  I have an intimate friendship with the Creator of the universe, with the Almighty God, with the Savior of the world who not only saved me from the penalty of my sins, but loves me and delights in walking out life together for His eternal purpose.  Crazy!  Why would I EVER hesitate to introduce Him to others? 

What about this idea?  Every time I introduce myself, I AM introducing My King because He is in me.  Or..., scary selfish and sinful self is introduced and there is no reflection of Jesus, only me. Sometimes I think I can just try and live "outloud" for Jesus and people will get it...if they can get past me.  If they want to know Him, they will ask me.  Right?  Maybe...

Or maybe I need to have my ears continually listening for the quiet whisper of Jesus and respond to His gentle prompts,  "You see this one, my Beloved?  Tell her.  Introduce her to Me."

Oh, King of my heart, may I be more like Marco.  Let me with deep pride and unstoppable enthusiasm introduce You, My King and Best Friend to someone who desperately longs to know You, who desperately needs to know You. 

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