Messengers of hope...

Missionaries in Ecuador with International Teams and Youth World since 2002, parents of four children, and then some more children, directors of Casa Gabriel and now Casa Adalia, teacher and friend, but most importantly, redeemed by Jesus Christ and living out the ministry of reconciliation as messengers of hope. This is the story that God is writing through us.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Blogging again


My help comes from You
You are my rest, my rescue.
I don't have to see to believe because I know it is true.
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness on Your shoulders.
I feel no fear. I find my comfort here
Because I know you are near.

(For King and Country)

I haven't been blogging for weeks, months, years maybe. I haven't been sure how. The tears, the struggle, the joy, the despair, the hope. What do share? How do I share? I want to protect and bring dignity. I have also just been too tired. The weariness. Healing is hard work.

I am hoping to begin again, the stories of hope need to be shared, to give testimony that it is true. Jesus is real, His power transforms lives. He is still at work, in my day. Replacing beauty for ashes. Bringing light to darkness. A smile when there had been none. He who created us in our fragility, clay pots really, displays power and love and victory and hope every day. If we will but stop to look, when the pot is cracked, it can't hide the light of Jesus, rather the fragmented beams make me feel brave. One more day.

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